To give myself some inspiration I looked at a lot of different types of animated characters that were about on the Internet. For my Mood board I chose a variety of characters that I liked the look of. In the picture there is: 2d, 3d, iconic, human, animal and strange looking characters. The majority of characters are either human or animal but there are the odd one that is a bit different. For example I found some strange looking house hold items with arms and legs. My favourite has to be the bazaar Spongebob Square Pants, his facial expressions are brilliant! It would be nice if I could create a character that was unique and a bit different.
The first character idea I had was Wolf Boy. This came about because I was unsure if I wanted to create a human or animal character, so I thought of combining the both to make a boy in a wolf costume. The boy be quite cute and Innocent and have a good imagination. He will also act out being a fearless wolf and take on the mannerisms of an animal. The boy doesn't have to be a wolf maybe a chicken or Tiger could work.
For a more abstract idea I came up with Balloon Boy! This is a character that to my knowledge has never been done before and I was quite original. I started thinking of different sides of his personality maybe happy and mellow with a nice big smile across his face, but bad luck is always around the corner for Balloon Boy i.e, getting stuck in places due to static, the knot being undone and seeing him fly through the air. I thought it would be fun to have an animation that had different sketches of his ups and downs!
The string attached to him could also be animated, for instance it could turn into an arrow shape if Balloon Boy want to point somewhere or he could tie himself to something.
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